Founder of the collection


Except for the friends who were familiar with this complex since the first days of Agineh Tabaristan complex, most of you know this brand as a polyethylene tank production factory.
At the beginning, by jumping from the description of the activity of this group after its birth and mentioning the work records, we will discuss the production of polyethylene tanks, how it has reached its special position in these days of the rotomolding industry by trying and overcoming many challenges.
The beginning of the upward trend of the development of this complex was a medical necessity that has brought the growing trend of the Agineh Tabaristan brand in the production basin of polyethylene tanks to measures such as the use of quality raw materials such as polyethylene granules with sanitary grade and obtaining a standard mark from the Iranian Standards Organization. And the apple health certificate was from the Food and Drug Organization, which was a big step to improve the quality of the products.
Aghineh Tabaristan Complex, which used to operate under the name of Aghineh Tabaristan Machinery Complex, with more than a decade of activity in various industrial fields, today, in addition to extending its activity in the field of manufacturing parts and industrial machines, molds and rotomurling devices, as a tank production factory Polyethylene continues to work.

Founder of the collection

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